kjoy magazine


Capricorn Season

Cover photo by Ryan Landell

Featured poet: Talaya Banks

I hope you enjoy the very first edition of KJoy magazine, a digital newsletter for poetry lovers and Kerrie Joy supporters! Please send your feedback and suggestions to kjoy@kerriejoy.com! Oh, and tell a friend! Besos <3

Aquarius Season

Cover photo by Ryan Landell

Featured poet: Franklin Cruz

Let’s go!! 2 months into this magazine and I’m feeling good! I hope y’all enjoy this edition…if you do, be sure to send a message my way! Until next month…stay warm, stay swaggy, & stay woke (hehe).

Oh and, adult content warning on this one.

Pisces Season

Cover photo by Ryan Landell

Featured poet: Iyanla

I’ve decided that I want my magazine to be a source that amplifies and celebrates Black voices and Black history every month (as well as other actively marginalized voices - as we are stronger together). So if you are looking for Black poems, stories, authors, and the like, you can rest assured that KJoy Magazine is the one, and not the two. I got you. Enjoy!